OMS Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer - SVR 50 NF

Vibratory Hammer Pile Driver

Crane suspended (SVR) and Excavator Mounted (OVR) types of vibratory pile driving machines are designed to drive and extract all types of piles including sheet, tube (casing), timber and H-beam, also I-beam and steel plates.
SVR type of vibratory piling machines are recommended in projects requiring a high driving or extracting force. SVR type vibratory hammers are powered by OMS Power Packs, which have equipped with remote control and touch screen control panels. These controls are used to adjust the vibrator to suit different ground conditions.
Specially designed OVR excavator mounted vibro hammers are easily adapted to the excavator by connection bracket produced by OMS. They are hydraulically driven by the excavators and easily operated by excavator operator. OVR series excavator mounted vibro hammers requires not any modification on the excavators.

Advantages of OMS Vibratory Pile Drivers

  • With OMS hydraulic clamps, the ideal solution for every type of piles,
  • Innovative structure adapting to fast developing technology,
  • Time and cost saving,
  • 24/7 technical services and spare part support,
  • Powerful, reliable and long life.
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